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Our App FAQ

  1. Tap the service you are looking to move.
  2. Choose new date.
  3. Tap “Ok”.
  1. Tap the service you are looking to cancel.
  2. Tap “Cancel Service
  3. Tap “NO” to keep your service, or “YES” to cancel
  1. Tap the service you are looking to move.
  2. Choose new date.
  3. Tap “Ok”.
  1. Tap the service you are looking to skip.
  2. Tap “Skip Service”.
  3. Tap “NO” to keep your service, or “YES” to skip.
  1. Tap the service you are looking to cancel.
  2. Tap “Cancel Subscription
  3. Tap “NO” to keep your service, or “YES” to cancel

General Pool FAQ

Cloudy pool water can be caused by inadequate water circulation, chemical imbalance, poor filtration, low sanitizer levels or lack of oxidation. Whether it’s a broken pool pump impeller or a cracked filter grid, we will diagnose the problem and fix it, leading to clear water in one to five days.

NEVER experiment! Improper measuring and mixing of chemicals – whether diluted or concentrated – can create both unwanted reactions and potential health hazards. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions with special attention to safety gear, clean up and storage. To be safe and for the best results, hire a professional.

Manufacturers recommend that the cartridge filters be dissembled and cleaned three to four times per year. DE filters should be disassembled and cleaned at least once per year, although we find that pool owners have a better experience when it’s done twice per year.
Algae damages pool filters, the pool surface and threatens swimmers’ health. Take care of it right away! Several things can lead to algae growth: Stabilizer levels that render the chlorine ineffective, sunshine that burns off the chlorine or clogged filters that reduce circulation. Our technicians are expert in diagnosing the problem and prescribing an algae fix quickly.
The pool filter must be backwashed when the pool filter pressure is ten pounds higher than the clean set pressure, which is usually once a month, though it can be needed more often. The Aquaman Pool Service weekly cleaning pool service maintenance plan includes backwashing the filter as needed.
Here in the Metroplex, our weather is unpredictable, which means swimming pools should be maintained year-round. Warm winter temperatures can cause algae growth and there’s a dramatic “leaf drop” from August to January, and then again starting in March, causing a lot of debris in your swimming pool. Our affordable pool maintenance plans make it easy to keep your pool beautiful in all seasons.

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Cancellation/changes to service & refund policy

Last updated: 04-07-2020

For one-time services:

You can cancel a one-time clean or service in the SIMPOOL® app as long as it is up to 3 hours in advance of the scheduled service. If you have chosen an all-day time slot, then the cancellation request must happen by 11:00am (CST) of the day the scheduled service is to take place. You can move your service to another day or time as long as this request is made up to 3 hours in advance of the scheduled service. This request to move service can also be made for all-day service as long as the request happens by 11:00am (CST) of the day the scheduled service is to take place.

For subscription (recurring) based services:

You can move the date of a scheduled service or skip a scheduled service in the SIMPOOL® app. These requests must happen up to 3 hours in advance of the scheduled service or for an all-day time slot, you must make this request before 11:00am (CST) of the day the scheduled service is to take place. In both instances of skipping and moving service, this request only applies to your next scheduled service. Cancellation of a subscription-based service must be submitted before the next monthly cycle of service has started. For instance, if you signed up for service on April 3, 2020 you must cancel the next month’s service before May 3, 2020. A monthly cycle consists of 28, 29, 30 or 31 days – depending on the month.


A refund will not be provided if you cancel a subscription (recurring) service within the monthly cycle for which service is rendered. For instance, if you signed up for service on April 3, 2020 and you cancel on April 15, 2020, a refund will not be provided. Under this circumstance, we will continue to service your pool until the monthly cycle has ended if you desire. A refund is not provided if you skip a scheduled service. If cancelling a subscription (recurring) service for a date that is after the current monthly cycle, you will not be billed by SIMPOOL® going forward.


info@simpool.co for any inquiries regarding refunds and/or cancellations or changes to service.